Support Nextteq® Hazmat Tubes

Nextteq® Hazmat Kit Support

Product Overview

A Nextteq® HazMat Kit using the Nextteq® NX-1000 Sampling Pump.

Nextteq’s portable HazMat Kit provides immediate identification of unknown chemicals and includes unique features and components that can detect contaminants competitors miss.

Nextteq's Response Kit quickly identifies hazardous substances from unknown airborne compounds. Using two specialty qualitative detector tubes and a Nextteq custom color-based flow chart one can identify up to 70 hazardous organic and inorganic chemicals in about 3 minutes.

For follow-up testing, the kit contains our high quality, highly-reliable detector tubes that can be used to further qualify and quantify the initial test results of organic or inorganic gases or vapors. Nextteq offers the only HazMat kit that includes:

  • a VeriAir foil bag that can capture on-site gases or vapors to be sent to a lab for analysis
  • light sticks for increased lighting in dimly lit areas for safety
  • 5 meter extension hose for remote sampling
  • NX-1000 pump with thermal ring and antibacterial grip

Always ready to use.  Intrinsically safe. NO power required.

Support Documents

NX-1000 Pump Manual

NX-1000 Pump Manual

Nextteq Detector Tube Guide

Nextteq Detector Tube Guide

Nextteq® Detector Tube Conversion Charts

Detector Tube Conversion Charts

Training Video Support

Additional Support

For more information, contact Nextteq Customer Service Team at 813-249-5888 or toll free at 877-312-2333.

For technical questions, ask to speak to Dr. Duffy, VP of Technical Development / Industrial Hygiene Manager.

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